Saturday, January 22, 2011

State of the Artist

Yes, I'm still here, and I'm still working towards making Marooned! into a game I can have fun playing.

So, where am I?  Let's see:

When it comes to Marooned!, I've moved it to a hex-based grid and am looking into implementing a hex-grid prefab that might be useful to folks making RPGs, RTSes, etc. If it's useful, it'll be on Unity Prefabs and/or the Unity Asset Store… it'd be neat to make some money related to game development like the mighty WyldFire. ;-)

Despite finding some great hex-grid resources on the Internet, I've been stalled for a few days wondering about implementation. Do I:

  • Make the hexes just something that exists on top of a plane or mesh?
  • Make the hexes as hex-shaped objects?

If the hexes are objects, each hex can have its own height, which would be an easy way to add a third dimension, although it would be chunky because the transition between heights would be sudden and absolute at the edges of the hexes. Alternatively, I could do some sort of average between the edges, and only the centre of the hex would be at that hex's height.

If the hexes live on top of a mesh, I'll need to figure out the hex's height from the underlying mesh, and how to project the hex grid onto the mesh in a sensible manner.

On the third hand, I could go back to ignoring 3D and just draw in 2D. If I do this the graphics have to be adjusted to show as isometric and the camera is entirely fixed… doing it in 3D would let me (or even the player) tweak the camera's position/angle without adjusting the graphics by hand. But I'd need (simple) 3D models instead of just sprites.

This is why I never get anything done.